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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Ask Us

Have a question about something not covered below or elsewhere on our website? Contact us using the Contact Us form, by phone at (515) 243-1742, or by email at

How do I qualify?

All individuals who experience a disability in the following counties: Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Polk, Story, and Warren may apply for services.

What counties do you serve?

CICIL provides services to Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Polk, Story, Warren. If you live in a different county, please check the Iowa Statewide Independent Living Council's (SILC) to learn about other Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Iowa.

What services do you provide to people with disabilities?

CICIL staff provides various supports, including skills training, job support, and even a community gathering spot for people with disabilities. Find more about our specific supports on our about page here. Visit us or attend an event to learn more!

What disabilities?

CICIL assists people with various disabilities, including physical, cognitive, visual, auditory, and mental/emotional. Anyone impacted by disability is welcome. That's a huge umbrella of types of disability! About 15 percent of our participants have multiple disabilities.

How do I pay for services?

CICIL receives donations and federal and state funding so that we may provide services for the individuals at no charge. Anyone can donate and help fund CICIL's needed activities.

Are there sponsorship opportunities?

Absolutely! Find a flyer with business and sponsorship opportunities here. Reach out to Laura Gibson, Executive Director, to connect!

Copyright © 2023 Central Iowa Center for Independent Living.

All rights reserved. 

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