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Benefits Planning
CICIL is excited to offer this service to recipients of SSI and SSDI beneficiaries, who are currently employed, thinking about returning to work or starting to work.
This service is also for individuals who will be transitioning from child benefits to adult benefits.
A Benefits Planner (Certified Work Practitioner) will:
Assist you in becoming knowledgeable about your current and future benefits
Explain how a person can be employed and still maintain all or part of their current benefits
Educate you about the work incentives offered by Social Security to assist individuals entering the workforce for the first time, exploring the ability to work, entering a different type of work or possibly furthering your education for the next career etc.
Assist you by identifying ways to stay below the restricted countable income and resource limits while being able to prepare for your financially future and stability.
If you are interested in this service, please contact:
Bronna Crase
Director of Programs
Central Iowa Center for Independent Living
(O) 515-243-1742
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