Individual and System Advocacy
CICIL provides personal advocacy assistance to people on an individual basis. CICIL advocates for civil and human rights for persons with disabilities on a local, state and federal level. CICIL provides self - advocacy training for individuals, and encourage persons with disabilities who feel they are experiencing discrimination to learn and use self-advocacy skills and services.

Polk County Crisis & Advocacy Services
Program Overview: Program provides 24 hour homicide crisis response, and assistance to sexual assault and other violent crime victims for hospital exams, law enforcement, prosecution and court contacts.. Crisis intervention, counseling, referral, advocacy and support group services are provided for sexual assault and violent crime victims. A contract with the Family Violence Center (see separate entry) provides crisis intervention, counseling and emergency shelter for victims of domestic abuse and their families.
Hours: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm; Phone answered 24 hours a day.
Eligibility: Victims of personal, violent crime. Not limited to Polk residents. Anyone wanting services and willing to come to the office. Free voluntary and confidential.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Iowa)
Program Overview: Family Support Groups and NAMI Connections Support Group available various afternoons and evenings in Des Moines.
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm, group locations and times vary, call for current schedule
Eligibility: individuals and family members living with mental illness